Responsabile progetto: “Back Office e Risk Management del financial trading” presso Casillo Group
Luigi Piccarreta
2014-2017: Responsabile progetto: “Back Office e Risk Management del financial trading” presso Casillo Group
I’m a polyhedric, passionate and impact-oriented person. Thanks to my engineering and economic background, a corporate experience and my wide interests, I started three projects with other fellows: MOTO, a proprietary trading firm; Meta, a consulting firm focused on SME innovation; Lavorare Stanca, a cultural association with the goal to become a solid player and partner in the economic, social and cultural development of my region, Puglia.
Consulenza Innovation Manager Puglia
President & Co-founder
MOTO srl
MOTO is a proprietary trading company, with the goal to become a hedge fund. Our core-business is the financial trading, with listed instruments mostly options and futures. Our strategies born for edge options mispricing due to Gaussian hypothesis in the BSM Model. Capital raised: 140k €. In the eight months before the foundation we went into a back-testing preliminary study, developing a proprietary software for back testing strategies on 10 years data. Then, in the nine months after foundation, we traded our strategies in the real market for: testing them in the real market, test our capital and risk management framework, and formalize an automated position-management in compliance with the latter.
Consulenza Innovation Manager Puglia